Wednesday 30 April 2014

Milestones: Summer 2014 Letter Series

A.M. You have been nothing but wonderful since the day I met you. You are funny, sassy, and so, so supportive. Thank you for teaching me so much this past year --I learned so much more than I expected to-- and thank you for always being around when I needed you. I know there's some things this year that haven't worked out the way you wanted them to, but don't lose faith in yourself. A huge part of me wants to see you go on your great adventure, but there's a part that can't help but hope you'll stick around for a little while longer. Either way, I hope you catch the stars you've been shooting for.

B.W. You had me at 'hello'. By the first time you smiled and said 'hi', I was intrigued.You are one of the kindest and sweetest people I've met in a while. I've always felt like just another face in the crowd, but you've taught me that perhaps reaching out to people can be as easy as a smile and the word 'hi'. I guess I have a lot to learn from your easy-going, charismatic personality. I'd really like to get to know you better. Keep smiling :)

C.L. You are such an inspiration to me. You have such a bright and open attitude; it makes you so easy to talk to. Whenever I'm around you I feel so much more motivated to keep myself healthier and happier. I love that you have an absolute vision for your personal and professional future -- and the work ethic to back it up. I'm really glad I got a chance to know you this year, but I can't believe you're leaving already! I'd love to stay in touch and get together again sometime.

C.K. I love the way you present yourself; you're so mature and soft spoken. Everything you say and do makes so much sense. You have a calm levelheadedness about you, yet you're not at all cold or unapproachable. In a place where a lot of people seem to come from relatively similar backgrounds, you quietly yet poignantly remind me that everyone has their own unique story, and this is what sets us apart from each other. Although I don't know much about your past, I know that it's made you thoughtful and cautious, and this may not be such a bad thing. Through your example, I hope I may always remember to keep an open mind and be reminded that few words are often more powerful than many. I hope you continue to face every challenge with a brave heart and a steady mind.

N.L. You are the ultimate role model. You are dedicated as a student, elegant as a lady, caring as a sister. Beyond that, you are talented, kind, and ambitious. You're the kind of girl who looks beautiful in a spotlight, but always directs it humbly towards others. I admire that you have chosen to pursue what you believe suits you best, despite the objections of others. I admire that you take risks for your happiness and success, because I know you can make it all worth it. But while chasing your big dreams, you always seem to find time to pursue your passions and appreciate the little things in life. Your life is a palette of the richest colours; I hope continue to paint with every single one of them.

R.S. I'm so glad I met you on that trip. You make every possible thing more fun. I can always count on you to cheer me up and share a laugh, and I really appreciate that. I love that you're up for anything, and you're not afraid to put yourself out there, especially for your friends. But despite all the craziness, you always know when to set it all aside and take responsibility. It's a hard balance to strike sometimes, but you do it admirably well. I hope your lively spirit never fades. Thank you for all the adventures; here's to many more.