Saturday 26 November 2011

The End of the Tunnel

By 11pm that night she was sobbing uncontrollably. She had carelessly dropped her heart, and it had shattered into a million pieces. In her misery and desPeration, she pushed away the only person who could have heLped her put it back together. He was the only one who knew exactly how the piEces fit into each other, maybe because often times he knew her even better than she knew herself. But nonetheless, she tried to shove him away like he didn’t matter. Maybe it was pArtially his fault after all, but who’s to judge that? She didn’t know exactly how hard She’d pushed him back, but she knew she could expect him to walk away without a backward glance. So, she clutched the pieces of her heart in her hand and turned away, running into a tunnel of darkness, where she sat and drowned herselF in her own bitter tears, not knOwing what to do or how to do it. When her sobs subsided, she staRed down at the broken, lonely shards in her hands. Sighing, she slowly turned her head to look back at the entrance of the tunnel she sprinted throuGh. It was bright, almost too bright to see anything, but she could tell. He wasn’t there. ‘Understandable,’ she thought, ‘he had a rIght to leave. After everything that’s happened, he had eVery right.’ Even with these seemingly confident thoughts in her mind, she felt new tears well up in her eyes. And just when it almost became too blurry to see, a shadow appeared in the entryway of the tunnEl. It was a shadow she had come to know very well. The shadow silently stepped to the centre of the light and stopped, as if waiting for something. Disbelief paralyzed her entire body. The shadow spoke, quietly, but just enough for the walls of the tunnel to carry his words to her ears. “I am here. Don’t you ever forget that.” Awestruck, she rose slowly to her feet. His shadow shifted, and he opened his arMs towards her. She didn’t know what to say. Feelings of love and pain flooded her mind, colliding into each other in yet another heated battlE. They both had left scars there before, but which one would prevail this time? She looked back at entrance. He was still there, arms outstretched, waiting patiently. Taking in a deep breath, she raised her head and took step towards him. 

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