Wednesday 2 May 2012

Let's Play Pretend

We think we are so amazing. We boast ourselves up to being knowledgeable, competent, successful. We convince ourselves that we exist to serve a purpose; that somehow, we are part of something larger, something grand and magnificent that we as individuals could never be. We are so good at deceiving ourselves, for we have managed to shroud reality in so many thousands of layers of pride that we forget that the tiny speck of reality is even there. But it is. And it utters the loathsome words every single person on this planet hates to hear. We are nothing. We are so insignificant, it is nearly laughable. We will never be the greatest. We will never measure up to the grand costumes we dream ourselves into. But what does it matter? It's all just a game of make-believe anyway. So here's a mask; let's play pretend.


  1. Thinking about laying in the river, float and sleep away to the end of days.

  2. I think I'm going back to my delusional little bubble.... :)
