Thursday 9 April 2015

An Open Letter To My Best Friend

You know I can never help but roll my eyes at melodramatic professions, but in all honestly, they're a little lacking these days, and in any case, no hastily typed Facebook post could ever do this justice.

I'm so glad you're a part of my life. I'm so glad there is at least one person in the world with whom I can be completely unafraid to express myself. Thank you for sharing my passions, supporting my aspirations, and being such a huge part of my story.

We both know that the roller coaster of life doesn't always bring us skyward, but like you have always been there to see me through my falls, I am always going to be here to remind you of the following:

You are brilliant.

You are capable.

You will find success.

I am so proud of everything you do. and I am so immeasurably honoured to call you my best friend.

Saturday 14 March 2015


Some creatures' blood runs cold inside
But only where they can't be spied
For frozen hearts choose to reside
Where they cannot be shattered

For coolness is a villain's pride
But also wherein deep fears hide
Yet romance is an awful guide
So I can't be bothered

My lack of envy is implied
When lovers feel unsatisfied
With being all but starry-eyed
So much they'd not discovered

For I was once a blushing bride
Whose sacred knot became untied
By one who promised then who lied
And never quite recovered

Where cliff and icy sea collide
I gave my last breath to the tide
And with my heart my love has died
So I remain cold-blooded

Saturday 24 January 2015

Finding Love

I have to admit, it's been a hard few months.

Recently, things have been feeling off. Something was eating at me from the inside, and I had no idea what it was, other than the fact that this feeling was just so... wrong.

The girl I was for this past while was someone undeniably familiar, but considerably unsettling. The girl was distant, looking at the world with a kind of yearning as if she wanted to speak but was willing herself not to. She walked on glass, and got cuts on her feet because of it. She would huddle in corners and try to convince herself to get back up and keep walking, despite the tears pooling in her eyes.

And then I realized, the girl was scared.

This was the girl who had been bullied as a child. She was the girl who struggled to maintain a calm composure and genuine smile to the world but crumbled into broken pieces as soon as she was alone because she just couldn't figure out why she was treated that way. She was the girl who let fear worm its way into her fragile heart because she had no idea how to keep it out.

This was the girl who could never love herself because she was consumed by fear.

For the past few months, the fear fed off her insecurities and got stronger. It controlled her every move, laughed at her hesitations, and reveled in her failures. It pushed her into a labyrinth of darkness and she got more and more lost with every deceptively wrong turn. And then, the most miraculous thing happened.

The girl found hope.

She found hope in a douse of late-night honesty, a lighthouse that revealed the thorn-covered walls of the labyrinth, growing thicker and sharper ahead of her. She came to a realization so sudden that the maleficent fear was shocked into momentary silence by the impact. The glimmer of hope coaxed her out of the shadows, step by tentative step. And then, the most miraculous thing happened.

The girl found love.

She found love in the midst of glitter and sharpies, where tiny flames and friendly smiles began to melt the tyrannous presence in her chest. She felt admired and supported in a way that was never there before, and it was beautiful.

She found love on a wintry adventure, surrounded by stories and laughter. She was shown a place that inspired her to give all she has to offer, and be lifted up by the perseverance all around her. She felt motivated and refreshed in a way that she hadn't for so long, and it was incredible.


The girl lit a candle, and watched as the little flame blossomed, lapping eagerly at the air and scattering silver and gold flecks across the room. She smiled, and for the first time in a long time, it was a genuine smile made with hope, beauty, inspiration, and love.