Wednesday 28 December 2011


You life is in fast-forward,
While I'm on standby.
I'm standing here, useless
While you struggle and try

It's like I'm trapped in a box
Made out of glass
Where I can only watch
As the days by you pass

I hold out my hands
By they can't reach
And you can't see my horror
As you fall to your knees

I have a million words to offer you
A million things to say
But I am held captive
And you slowly turn away

Yet I remain here, a friend to you
To remind you, if you forgot
That our friendship and support
For you betray you not

There is a light behind you
But you face the shadows cast
Please, won't you look to the light
And leave darkness to the past?

Dear friend, the time has come
For me to rest my pen
But I'll leave for you a blank sheet
Start your story new again